Journal: Sheppard Station
New Sheppard Station (August 2001): Liz and I went to check out a few weak spots I'd noticed where they're connecting the old, north-south Yonge subway line to the new, east-west Sheppard subway line. We made our way to the Sheppard (Yonge line) subway platform, and, after waiting for the platform to clear, used a makeshift ladder the construction crew had left lying around to toss ourselves over one of the short construction walls. We then hid underneath a newly-constructed, but walled off, staircase while we plotted our next move.
As it turned out, our next move was to sit under that stupid staircase for something like 20 minutes while we waited with increasing frustration for all the stupid passengers to shuffle out of our area and leave us in peace. Eventually they did so, or at least enough of them did so that I couldn't be bothered to wait any longer, and I attempted to hoist myself up onto the far side of the staircase we'd been sitting under. I guess I'd temporarily forgotten that I am a weakling, for when I collapsed back to the ground I was kind of surprised that it felt like I'd ripped my chest muscles in half.
Still, the show had to go on, so I pressed ahead, this time using the makeshift ladder and a boost from Liz to assist my ascent. And then, finally, triumph! Sorta. When I got to the top of the staircase, I was confronted with 12-foot-tall chain link fencing blocking off every possible entrance to the new station beyond. I managed to snap a couple pictures through the fence, but Liz and I were unable to get into the new station itself. In fact, after this particular failure, we called it a night, for my chest muscles were thoroughly mangled and aching.
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