January 2025 Update

Whoa there! Apologies for a temporary January 2025 outage due to the usual malefactors (we prefer "real-world" hacking ourselves). We are back and all is well.
We continue to be honored to maintain this site in Ninjalicious' memory and offer his collected written works digitally and in print. Ninj's venerated primer on Urban Exploration, Access All Areas, was reprinted recently in its sixth edition and is also somewhat newly available in eBook format! (Please don't copy it and upload it somewhere, this is a copyrighted work and its sales allow me to keep all this stuff in circulation.)
Paper copies of the book (portable, convenient, look great on a bookshelf!) remain available directly from the publisher here. (We're still hoping to do an anniversary edition one day, but not in the near future. Grab hold of this classic in the meantime.)
All back issues of Infiltration Zine are also available as a set (if you just need one or two, drop a line) and contain awesome exploring stories and content unique to this format and with almost no overlap with the book.
Lastly, we also sell a limited amount of t-shirts here in the Order Hut.
Other retailers: Access All Areas is available through Powells
Books or Amazon.com. In Toronto, you can always buy back issues of Infiltration
zine AND the Access All Areas book from our good friends at The
Beguiling, located at 319 College Street, and in New York City, look for zines at Quimby's Bookstore, 536 Metropolitan Avenue in Brooklyn. If any of these shops are low on something, please ask them to get more!
Any questions? You can email liz at infiltration dot org. There is a real person on the other end.
RIP Ninjalicious
Ninjalicious (1973-2005) was the founder of this website and Infiltration zine, and is considered by many to have been the father of modern-day Urban Exploration or Urbex with his groundbreaking and charismatic zine and website. Infiltration.org is maintained both in his memory and in the spirit of exploration.