Journal: The Mechandise Building
Merchandise Building (September 2000): I was so impressed with Throckmorten's write-up of the Merchandise Building in Infiltration 7 that I decided to live there. The Merchandise Building was constructed in the 1920s, and functioned as a gigantic, 12-storey warehouse for Sears for most of its existence. My grandmother used to work there when she was little.
In any case, the conversion of the building into condos was nowhere near completed when I moved in. In fact, things were still very primitive, and security was basically non-existent. During the year or so that I lived there, I often nursed my infiltrating urges at home. On a few occasions I found unlocked doors into other units in various stages of construction. I found hidden stairwells leading to large, disused rooms, and doors to the grocery store that was attached to the residential portion of the building. Liz and I explored the ever-under-construction indoor recreation centre on many occasions. I made my way into the basement. And, on one lovely occasion, Liz and I explored the building's largest top-level suite and the roof of the building, which offered a great view.
The Merchandise Building really was a lovely place; it's unfortunate that the company that made it into condos was so lacking in competence and aesthetic sensibility. Eventually I gave up and moved somewhere better.
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