Infiltration offers a mix of the practice and theory of urban exploration in areas not designed for public usage. This site is the online companion of the paper zine about going places you're not supposed to go. The latest issue of the zine, focusing on military leftovers, came out in June 2005. It's black and white, but you might like it anyhow.

New and Literary
Preorder your copy of Access All Areas: A User's Guide of the Art of Urban Exploration. This shiny 244-page paperback features more than 240 pages of illustration information and advice from Ninjalicious, the editor of Infiltration zine. Topics covered include training, recruiting, sneaking, social engineering, equipping, preparing, abandoned buildings, active sites, construction sites, drains, utility tunnels and more. Books will be available for shipping in early August, but you can preorder your copy now.
New and Warming
After a two-year hiatus, we've finally managed to produce another batch of t-shirts, this time in sizes other than medium! They're high-quality, heavy-duty, silk-screened shirts, and they probably won't last very long. With shipping they cost $20. To order one online with PayPal or a credit card, please visit the PayPal page; to order one with cash please visit the order hut. Sorry, no bulk orders.